Friday, September 7, 2012

first blog

Brian Kelly

1. I've taken photoshop and computer graphics in high school.

2.My experience with photoshop was one year in high school.

3.It was my favorite class before camden county.

4.My favorite artist is Eminem.

5.My favorite designer is Guess.

6.Not that many interesting things have happened to me.

7.I have a Mac at home that might have photoshop in the future.

8.Last night I had less then two hours of sleep so doing something as simple as writing this five line story is actually pretty difficult. I'm normally a pretty creative kid but right now I got nothing so I'm not really sure what to write. I feel like I'm already a little behind in the class so I'm going to try to wrap this up real quick and end it here.
                                                                          By: Brian